1. What to put in bottom of rabbit cage
Choose a safe bedding material. Since wood shavings are not an option for your rabbit, it's essential to find alternative bedding materials that are safe and comfortable for them. Some good alternatives include paper-based bedding, such as recycled paper or newspaper, or straw. These materials are free of dust and other components that can cause respiratory issues for your rabbit. Many rabbit owners choose to line their rabbit's cages with PeapodMats. These washable and waterproof mats are easy to wash and come in handy when handling pets on your knees.
Whatever type of bedding you choose, make sure to clean the bedding frequently to prevent odour build-up and keep your rabbit's living space clean and hygienic. PeapodMats are an excellent tumble dryer-friendly alternative.
2. Provide high-quality pellets
Pellets are an essential part of your rabbit's diet but not all pellets are created equal. Did you know that some pellets contain wood shavings, which can cause a toxic reaction in rabbits? Look for high-quality pellets that do not contain these materials and are made specifically for rabbits. Check the ingredients list on the packaging to ensure that the pellets are free of any toxins and ingredients that could cause a reaction in your beloved rabbit.
3. Use a litter box with non-allergenic litter
To keep your rabbit's cage clean and free of odour, you'll need to provide a litter box. However, you'll need to be careful when selecting a litter box and litter for your rabbit. Choose a litter box that is large enough for your rabbit to move around comfortably and choose a non-allergenic litter material, such as recycled paper or wood pulp litter. Avoid using clay-based litter or litter with fragrances, as they can be harmful to your rabbit's respiratory system and cause allergies.
4. Provide fresh water and food
Your rabbit's living space should always have a fresh supply of food and water. Rabbits need fresh water to stay hydrated, so make sure to change their water frequently. Fresh vegetables, fruits and hey are also an essential part of their diet, so provide them with a variety of fresh foods to keep them healthy and happy.
Preparing a cage for a rabbit is a huge task. By choosing alternative bedding materials, high-quality pellets, non-allergenic litter and providing fresh water and food, you can create a safe and comfortable living space for your rabbit. Remember to keep their cage clean and maintain good hygiene practices to keep your rabbit healthy and happy. With proper care and attention, your rabbit will thrive in their new living space and will be a happy and loved pet for years!
*This information is not meant to be a substitute for veterinary care. Always follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian.